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1. Cheque

Please make cheque payable to “The University of Hong Kong” (other than US donors) and send it to “Ms. Shirley Tsui, Dept of Surgery, 9/F Laboratory Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong”. An official donation receipt will be subsequently issued to donors.


2. Direct Deposit

To either of the following bank accounts of “The University of Hong Kong”

(Please send a copy of payment slip and specify the supporting event)

HSBC: 004-002-222834-001



3. Telegraphic Transfer (applicable to overseas payment only)

(Please send a copy of remittance slip and specify the supporting event)

Bank Name: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd

Bank Account No.: 004-002-222834-001

Bank Address: 1 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

Payee: The University of Hong Kong




All donations should be made payable to "The University of Hong Kong". Donations to The University of Hong Kong, under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are exempt from tax as it is an educational institution of a public character (Cap 1053 University of Hong Kong Ordinance). Donations are cumulative. Donations over HK$20,000 are eligible for HKU Foundation memberships.



If you have any further enquiry, please kindly contact Ms. Shirley Tsui at +852 3917 6301 or email at

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